
Puff Pastry

A traditional pastry for many dishes both savoury and sweet



Prep time

20 minutes

Cook time

3 hours

Useful for desserts in particular puff pastry can be hard work but is well worth the effort.


300g (plus extra for dusting and rolling) plain flour, sieved                                                                                                                  
270g butter, soft
200ml water
1/2 tsp salt


1. Bring together the flour the salt and water in a large mixing bowl. Mix and knead into a sticky dough which comes away from the side of the bowl, or use a kitchen aid, if available, to speed.

2. Place a layer of flour on a flat surface. Put the dough on top, then mould into a rough square shape. Dust with flour and then wrap in cling film for 15 minutes.

3. Unwrap the dough and place on well floured surface. Now, roll out into a large flat square using a rolling pin. 

4. Dust away any excess flour. Now, begin to cover the square with a thin layer of butter, use about 1/4 of the butter to do this leaving a few centimetres bare around the perimeter of the square. Be careful not to rip the pastry.

5. Fold 1/3 of the pastry into the centre and then the other third so that you are left with a long rectangle. Roll this rectangle out backing to the shape of the large square you had before. Now, repeat steps 4 and 5  two more times.

6. When you reach your final folded rectangle instead of rolling into a square, roll into a rectangle. Trim away any rough edges. Cover in the last of the butter and then roll into cylinder. 

7. Slice in half, wrap in clingfilm and leave to prove in the fridge for at least two hours.

Chef’s tips

Try this out with our with our Pastel de Nate recipe!
