
Cauliflower Soup

A light and delicious main course or even an appetizer.



Prep time

20 minutes

Cook time

15 minutes

A delicious appetizer before an executive meal.


1 large  cauliflower, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
1 large potato, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 stick spring onion,  sliced
25g butter
1/2litre chicken stock
400ml  milk
50ml  cream
10g parmesan cheese
10g cheddar cheese, grated
To taste salt, pepper, oregano, black pepper and crushed red pepper


1. Add the garlic, onion, potato and cauliflower into a pan with the butter and sauté until slightly soft.


2. Next add the chicken stock and the milk into the pan with the vegetables and simmer softly until the vegetables are extremely soft, let them cool down for a while and then blend them well with a hand blender until smooth.


3. Now put the pan back on the stove and add the cheese and spices. Let it cook for around 5/10 minutes.

4. Once it starts getting too thick, add the cream.


5. Now serve it in a bowl and garnish with green onion. 

Chef’s tips

 Sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top before serving.
