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Here's what the Bounceback Food team have been up to!

Secret Dishes From Around the World 3 is all set to be published on Friday 1st October 2021! To celebrate its release, we’re travelling to each of the 20 UK cities where we partnered with an arts charity/social enterprise to complete this nationwide arts project…

Our third fundraising cookbook features 40 exciting recipes from 20 countries and beautiful food photography. Throughout the book you will also find original designs by artists supported by the 20 arts charities and social enterprises across the UK who collaborated on this nationwide arts project with us.

Book Launch

We’re launching the book from our community cookery school kitchen in Manchester on Friday 1st October with a celebratory cookalong with the organisations and artists involved! A limited number of free tickets are available for the launch, you can sign up here. We’ll also be visiting some of our local charity partners, book stockists and getting all of the pre-ordered copies sent out to everyone who backed the original crowdfunder or has since bought a first edition via our online shop.

Book Tour

Following the launch on October 1st we’re then touring the UK to visit each of the arts charities and social enterprises who collaborated on the project, visiting some of our nationwide charity partners, meeting people who are helping us to replicate our model in new locations and supporting as many foodbanks or food poverty alleviation projects as we can along the way!

We’d love for you to join us at a venue near you for the opportunity to meet the artists, authors and your local arts charity or social enterprise involved in the production of the book. At each event you’ll have the opportunity to buy or collect a signed first-edition copy of Secret Dishes From Around the World 3 and in certain locations we’ll be cooking up samples from dishes inside the book too! Here are the book tour details:

Hopefully see you soon! You can also follow the tour via our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and order copies of Secret Dishes From Around the World 1, 2 and 3 via our online store. All proceeds from sales of our fundraising cookbooks support our non-profit social enterprise as we scale up our fight against food poverty nationwide – thank you for your continued support 🙂