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Here's what the Bounceback Food team have been up to!

Reverse Advent Calendar – Day 12

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Have you donated your shampoo?

We’d really appreciate it if you could purchase a bottle of shampoo today, to donate to a nearby food bank. When 37% of people in the UK have experienced hygiene poverty, shampoo is a key, under-donated item. Perhaps you’re having a clear-out of the toiletries cupboard this month, in the run up to the holiday season’s inevitable deluge of soap-based gifts. Your local food bank will welcome donations of unopened, in-date shampoo!


If, like us, you’re on the lookout for ethical toiletries companies, we recommend The Good Wash Company. In an industry that often puts profit first, The Good Wash Company stands out by donating 100% of their profits. This money funds community projects, local organisations and social entrepreneurs. They use all-natural ingredients, create living-wage jobs for those at risk of poverty, and help build change in their community. We particularly love their zero-waste shampoo bar!