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Here's what the Bounceback Food team have been up to!

Reverse Advent Calendar – Day 10

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We roll into the weekend with another food item for you to collect – tinned potatoes!

On day 10 of our reverse advent calendar, it would be fantastic if you dropped some tinned potatoes off at your local food bank. Find that food bank here

Thanks to everyone who’s been supporting their nearest food bank and getting behind the campaign this Christmas! Lots of people have been supporting the food bank drive we’ve been running at our Altrincham Market stall too: buying and donating pasta, rice and tinned food.

For those who’ve bought and donated pasta, here’s a lovely olive and lemon pasta recipe from our community kitchen in Manchester!


1/2 red onion, diced 
3 cloves garlic, crushed 
1 tbspbutter
zest of 1 whole lemon 
to taste salt and pepper 
2 tbsp olive oil 
to tastecheese, grated  (optional)


1. Begin by placing a large pan over  medium heat and filling with hot water. Raise to the boil then add 2 tbsp salt and the spaghetti cook for approx. 10 minutes.

2. In the mean time place a pan over a medium sized heat and ad a tbsp of vegetable oil.

3. Once the pan is hot add the onion with a pinch of salt and cook for 5 minutes or until soft.

4. Next add the olives and garlic and cook for 2 minutes or until the garlic has cooked through.

5. Once the pasta has cooked strain over a sync using a colander then to the pan with the onions. Now add the butter, lemon zest, remaining olive oil, salt and pepper and grated cheese if using. Mix together until the pasta is evenly coated. 


There are a few thigs to look out for when making a simple pasta dish like this firstly make sure you generously season the water the pasta is cooked in. second don’t over cook the pasta you want it to still have a slight bight to it. and finally if it is still a little plain at the end use extra black pepper.

We’ve been so impressed with everyone getting involved with the reverse advent calendar so far. A big thanks if you’ve donated! In fact, there are more ways than ever to support our fight against food poverty this Christmas, while having fun in the kitchen. You could book onto one of our online cookalongs for next year, and join from anywhere in the UK. Check out our event listings for 2022!

Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow for a weekend special, with a non-food item you could donate!