Latest news

Here's what the Bounceback Food team have been up to!

Thanks to all our wonderful customers who are helping us to close in on our 10,000 meals target, we’re hoping to reach that milestone shortly! In the coming months we’ll be expanding our online store to include even more gifts that give twice in order to help us support as many food banks in the UK as possible as we grow our ‘one for you, one for society concept’. There are plenty of market trading events too over summer, here are the dates we have confirmed so far:

– Altrincham Market: We’ll be back where it all began on June 25th & 26th. Watch this space for more dates in July/August!

– Knutsford Market: Looking forward to returning to this fantastic outdoor market on July 3rd, as always we’ll be there 11-4pm.

– GRUB Mcr: We’re making our debut at this event in Sadler’s Yard, Manchester city centre on July 2nd 12-8pm. We’ll be there with our full range of staple food and gift hampers, come say hello!

Keep an eye on our TwitterFacebook & Instagram pages for updates as we’ll be announcing more dates shortly. Thanks for your support and hopefully see you soon!